Early Beginnings
The school was founded by the late Audrey V. Salmon. It began as an evening language institute in 1978 offering help with Spanish for students struggling with the language in the public school system. Mrs. Salmon, a trained Spanish teacher, had worked for nearly twenty years in the public education system. She recognized the challenges students in the system faced and developed a curriculum which helped them gain distinctions in high school external examinations. The language institute grew to include evening classes in French, German, English and Mathematics. Additionally there were conversational classes in Spanish and French for adults.
Preparatory School and Kindergarten
In 1983, Mrs. Salmon established El Instituto de Mandevilla with 13 students. The school has grown quite significantly since then and currently boasts a population of almost 500 students. Our school population includes children from 2 years and 8 months to 12 years old.
Over the years the school has performed exceptionally in external examinations such as the Common Entrance and the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) which replaced the Common Entrance. To date there have been a number of Government scholarship winners who have been recognised for their outstanding performance in both the Common Entrance and the GSAT examinations. El Instituto students’ extraordinary performance has also been recognised by Corporate Jamaica. Students have received scholarships from entities such as banks and insurance companies as a result of their performance in external examinations. The school’s GSAT scores consistently top the national average. In addition, based on GSAT results, the the school has been named by the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper as “Top School” in the Ministry of Education’s Region 5.
The school’s involvement in co-curricular activities has earned it various trophies and medals and also provide the practical experiences to augment theoretical academic programmes.
“To provide a values-based, technology-enhanced environment, that facilitates the holistic development of students as nation builders with a firm moral purpose and a passion for excellence”.
"Facilitating the development of the full potential of all our students, thus empowering them to become nation builders".
"In all we do we will work as a team to demonstrate Christ-centredness, excellence, enthusiasm, integrity, respect, cooperation, kindness and promote positive family values.
We always look forward to welcoming students to El Instituto de Mandevilla, a kindergarten and preparatory school which distinguishes itself as a Christ-centred institution that is committed to providing a values-based, technology-enhanced environment, that facilitates the holistic development of students as nation builders with a firm moral purpose and a passion for excellence.
In keeping with this mission, our diverse curriculum adequately prepares students by strongly emphasising character development, modern languages, music, sports and extra-curricular activities.
Our students come to us from Jamaica, the Caribbean and across the world. We cherish our reputation for helping all succeed, as we believe each child is meant to soar. In the words of our founder, Audrey V. Salmon, “Education should be like a tree, with solid roots and towering branches. Children should be free to express themselves and aim to soar from the primary level to the tertiary level and beyond as butterflies do atop the branches of a tree”.
The institution’s position as #1 in the Ministry of Education’s Region V is reflected in the many achievements of its students, including the attainment of most government scholarships in the region, and the leadership positions held in high schools.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to call, come in and talk, or email us should you require any further information about our school.
Dr. Faithlyn Wilson

K1 - K2
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm
Fridays - 8:00am - 1:00pm
Grades 1 - 6
Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 2:45pm
Fridays 8:00am - 1:00pm
After-School Supervision
El Instituto de Mandevilla offers after-school supervision to students up to 6:00pm daily.
Weekly and daily rates are available.